Thursday 25 July 2013

A night in the forest!

Back at Regua

From recent observations on the camera traps it was apparent that there was a lot of activity at the scratching tree on the 4x4 trail, including the return of the juvenile puma. He may have now separated from his mother and will be kicked out of her territory as she comes back into season.
I decided that with so much activity concentrating on this tree that it would be worth putting up a small hide, that would offer better chances to see the animals.
With the help of many people I found a small camouflaged pop up hide that I could use and I took it up to the trail with a chair and equipment to spend the night. It was a very long night and I did my best to try and stay awake so as not to miss any action. However I had to shut my eyes for some periods but the camera trap luckily revealed nothing had appeared. It was fascinating listening to all the sounds after dark and tracking the movements of creatures moving through forest from the bird alarm calls. It will take a lot more patience than just one night to have a sighting of the mammals using the area.
In the morning I was rewarded with views of rufous-capped mot-mot, blonde-crested woodpecker, blue manakin, rusty-margined guan and mantled hawk.
I have also been out taking guests around the wetlands at night and done some night walks around the schincareol area. These have been very productive for owls and opossums in particular.

Bare-tailed woolly opossums

Striped owl

Tawny-browed owl

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