Friday, 30 March 2018

Common Dolphins in Torbay

For most of the winter of 2017/2018 at least two pods of common dolphins numbering around 40 -50 individuals in total have spent time feeding in Torbay in south Devon. 

They have regularly been reported from headlands such as Berry Head, but also from more less likely locations such as Broadsands, Goodrington Sands and Brixham. 

It is wonderful to have these enchanting marine mammals on my local patch and it is also an encouraging sign that the marine environment in Lyme Bay and South Devon is improving. I have been lucky to watch the dolphins and also harbour porpoises on several occasions. But on a blustery day back in January I had some particularly good views of the dolphins closer in shore as they sheltered from the worse of the weather. 

(Brixham Breakwater)

(Common dolphin Torbay)

(Common dolphin Torbay)

(Common dolphin Torbay)

(Common dolphin Torbay)

(Common dolphin Torbay)

(Common dolphin Torbay)

(Common dolphin Torbay)

(Harbour porpoise off Berry Head, Devon)

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